Why Cascading Styles are my Occupation.

My job title changes. But my skillset stays the same.

Cascading Styles are a system for writing design systems.

I've worked on sites written in HTML, JavaScript, Java, Ruby on Rails, PHP, TypeScript, Perl, .NET, Pheonix.

Always on the front-end bits though. The content and the presentation. The language and the design language.

Human perception changes like fashion. Things come in, things go out. Staying in trend is easy with a light coupling.

As languages come and go, grow and fall, the design language lasts eternal while the ephemeral languages fade away.

It is easier to write code, than to read code, as the legends foretold.

Buy a coke. A big red coke from Santa. Cheers a polar bear. Or don't. And just buy any one of Coca-Cola's other products. Or don't. And buy a Pepsi product.

Choice is an illusion. Cascading Styles are illusions. Extremely perceptiple, palpable illusions. Just like a little carbonated sugar.